Let's Talk Timelines! | Timeline building from a photographers point of view

Let’s talk about timelines. No, I may not be an official planner. But I’ve been a part of a lot of weddings and elopements so here’s a general guideline of a few things to be aware of while planning your day. Keep in mind these are my personal opinions and suggestions!

There are generally four/five main parts to a wedding day.

Getting Ready- for us the last 30 minutes of time with your HMUA is usually sufficient for getting ready. If you hired only one photographer, make it one hour so that your photographer has plenty of time to do both sides of the “bridal party”. One and a half hours is usually great for the bride adding an additional 45-50 minutes.

First look- can be as quick as 15 minutes or some clients like to do this+portraits so if that’s your case allot 1 hour or more for both. The portraits you'll have forever and look back on them often so anytime possible squeeze in there.You won't regret it!

Ceremony- there are many different variables depending on personal vows vs traditional, any cultural rituals. Generally 30-45 minutes is sufficient. For the ceremony, I’d suggest visiting at the time of day you plan to hold your ceremony.

Portraits- all the time! LOL jk I may be slightly partial because these are my fav but honestly give as much time as you can! You’ll want your family done and every photographer does it differently but it's super important to make sure you have time to have photos with both of your families and some time by yourself. You’ll get a little break,a moment to breathe and feel in the newlywed vibes. If you have only 30 minutes that's ok but try to give one hour or more! Golden hour is when most couples like to take their photos because who doesn’t want sun drenched goldeny goodness. Golden hour is one hour before sunset times. Trust your photographer because there are some variables like location that can change it to be slightly earlier than that.

Reception aka party time- The average time of a reception is 3-4 hours take into account the things you plan to do during that time! Grand Entrance, first dance with your husband, mother son dance, father daughter dance, dinner, cake cutting, garter and bouquet toss etc. All except dinner which is usually an hour or so! The others are about 15 minutes each! As long as your DJ, MC or coordinator keeps the timeline going, you shouldn’t have any issues! Also pro tip remember to eat! So many brides feel the need to host during that time!